Berhubung 2012 dah mau berakhir, maka dirasa penting untuk membuat tulisan berikut:
Judulnya "How PLN Coloured My Life a.k.a my FB page"
Dec 16: Padahal dah mau cinta lagi sama PLN karena dua hari ini aman jaya sentosa, eeh..dikasih pemadaman lagi…yo wis! I hate you consistently juga deh…
Dec 13 : Padam untuk yg kedua kali, biasanya sih paling nggak tiga kali….#PLNsucks!
Dec 13 (Chaul Rafflesia wrote) : Hehehe hehe. Bahkan kita saja susah konsisten dak Ra :D Pindahlah, mumpung lah ndak abis kontrak tu.. Mendekati titik nol kota Bengkulu lah… Biar dekat sama baru koto wkwkwkwk…
Dec 13 (Lutfi Firdaus Wrote): Ehhmm,,,PLN malam ini bagaimana kinerjanya Bu…? :D
Dec 13: Selama pemadamam oleh PLN masih konsisten maka status saya masih akan terus "menyentrum"…
Dec 12: Mungkin saya harusnya kagum dengan PLN, konsisten sekali…
Dec 11: *ah PLN…ai lop yu pul deh…* #meramu santet…
Dec 10: OK, now this pisses me off!!! Who should I contact to SUE this so called State Electrical Company?.....
Dec 9: *the battery is getting low, recharge phone soon to keep using it*….dijemur aja bisa gak? LISTRIK PADAM LAGI SOALNYA…
Dec 2: Ini PLN maunya apa sih? Mo mati ato idup…sakit mata tau!
Nov 28: Headline besok: Pemadaman Listrik saat Laga Timnas, PLN Kena Batunya…Literary
Nov 28: Nasionalis yg dihambat Negara itu ketika lg asik mendukung TimNas eh lampu mati…
Oct 13: mati lampu…saatnya ngantor…
Sep 10: O givin' up already you ***** electrical company!! It's almost two hours…#gadget diambang kolaps semua
Jul 14: *dan seperti biasa, Sabtu jadwalnya untuk…eng ing eng…yup! Mati lampu…*
Jun 28: *well, this is sucks!! #yes, it is to you PLN…*
Jun 23: *menahan diri utk tdk mengomentari mati lampu hari ini…#gatot…PLN sucks!!*
Jun 13: yaelah..kembali ke mode lama…mode mati lampu ON eh OFF eh…#maraimumet…
Jun 6: Mati lampu..iya lagi #baru diprotes eh nyala…. :p
Jun 4: *berasa kembali ke zaman prasejarah, ditemani lampu darurat dan buku how starbucks save my life* #iyamatilampulagi…
May 31: *on the quest of electricity…#ngantorpagipagi…eh-gak nemujuga
May 30: Bengkulu adalah prov. Yg taat dg anjuran presiden utk menghemat listrik -sigh- #maungamuktapigelap
May 30: *they say we'll sleep better in the dark..#kebetulan-pulang-kerja-mati-lampu :p
May 22: Lah, mati lampu meneh tho? #pura2kagetpadahalemosi
May 21: PLTA: Pembangkit Listrik Takut Air/Angin #yup! Another blackout…
Mar 31: Earth hour 8.30 pm? Pemerintah daerah kami paham betul itu, jd gak cm jam itu aja, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30…dst #nadanya gak nyante loh
Mar 29: Yep! Mati lampu lagi…yuk mari kita sabar o_o
Mar 19: yak! Mati lampu lg, ternyata bumn ini benar2 merugi…merugi-kan banyak orang..
Mar 12: ada yang salah dengan tombol ON/OFF nya PLN? "cangkul" gw bias sekarat kalo kayak gini terus…emang ada yg mo tanggung-jawab? #status-emosional-episode-2
Mar 10: Another blackout, it IS like living in the jungle, only I'm still paying the BILL!..
Mar 10: Blackout…again!! Who should I blame? The electrical company?the gov? or the bunch of idiots who sit on what so called a house of representatives? #status edisi emosional…
What about Jan and Feb? Karena libur , jadi tak terekam, soalnya kalo gak di rumah emak , ya...melancong.... :-)
*that 's how PLN coloured my life...if you call FB page a life :D *
Kamis, 20 Desember 2012
Rabu, 19 Desember 2012
Lesson Learned from Learning a Lesson
Today (because I save this writing as a draft quite some times ago, then it means once upon a time... :), I give a lesson to my student on Thermodynamic subject. The lesson is about the stability of state due to its energy level. The lower the energy level, the more stable its state will be. In the opposite direction, when the system's energy level is increasing, its stability will be in jeopardy. The same goes in life, the higher your rank is, the energy (effort) needed is also bigger in maintaining the level/position, and according to Thermodynamic concept, the stability becomes less. There are lots of things we can learn from one chemistry concept, because, after all, everything is about chemistry.
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